Sunday, June 29, 2008

airport life

Newark Airport is full of tiny birds!

If you ask me it doesn't seem like a super nice place to raise a family. (Even a tiny bird family.) But, then again, when your alternative is to build your nest outside the airport in Newark... OK, I admit I don't know much about Jersey, but Newark I'm pretty sure is no milk-and-honey paradise for the small and winged. (Is it?)

Also, airport people eat messy fried food. Crumbs everywhere!

Plus: man, it is pouring out there. Smart birds.

Anyway, I'm headed home; full trip debriefing to come in a day or two, with jetlag and added pictures!


  1. Anonymous7:06 AM

    The other day I passed through the delta terminal at JFK. What a crowded, smelly dump! It had birds too.

  2. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Goldrush 2008 was a blast Becky. We missed the Hawk. I did see Patrick.
    Take care,

  3. And I saw Les!

    Welcome back, Becky! Will we see a post on the teary reunion with the Big Red One?

