Monday, March 30, 2009


Hey y'all,

Here's a quick link to some more photos from Panama. Meanwhile, I've been moving into a new apartment in Portland, and then had a wedding to attend out east, and two upcoming trips to plan, but never fear: narrative highlights from the panamania will appear here soon. Watch this space!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


And you thought Mexico was supposed to be dangerous...

Between that and this guy, I'm already getting nervous about my research trip in May....

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

in panama

Once upon a time, in Panama, I lived in a hut by a little red chair...

And the first thing I saw every morning was pretty much:

Now I'm back in the land of green vegetables and undamp air and keyboards that work, the land where you just go ahead and flush your toilet paper right down the toilet along with everything else and never wonder where it ends up, the land of airports rich with magazines and food, the USA. I miss my island paradise, even though it gave me dreadlocks and scurvy. I will report all details of the trip "very soon," but first I must eat salad and vitamins and wash all my clothes and dry off.

I am very tan.
